
How To Make Itunes Your Default Player

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  1. How To Make Itunes Your Default Music Player
  2. Default Music Player Windows 10

Though, if you have not done this while installing VLC Media Player on your computer but want to make it the default player now, you have come to the right place. We will be telling you how to do that in very easy steps and that too on Windows and Mac both. Ok, so let’s begin.Part 1.

How To Make Itunes Your Default Music Player

Music player for windows 10

Default Music Player Windows 10

Hi, You open either respective player and it will show and play your files, If you wish you can right click a file and use either Open with and use either player and check the box to use this player by default, Or Right click and click on Properties/ General section will also show. Normally, your computer will ask you if you want iTunes to be your default player before actually downloading the program. If iTunes is already downloaded, then I can't answer.

1st you want to go to your settings- click applications- manage applications. Click the All applications list, now go to every music player in your app list including your default one make sure the play by default button is not checked, if it is checked clear it. Then be sure that your force quit them all.

How to Make VLC the Default Player for WindowsStep 1 Select the MTS File You Want To PlayStep 2 Select the Interface button on the left hand side and select Set up associations at the bottom.Step 3 Choose the file types from the list that should have appeared before you now, that you would like VLC to be the default player for OR you can also go with the option Select All for associating all file types with VLC and hit Save to save these settings. With this you have made VLC the default player on your Windows computer.Part 2. How to Make VLC the Default Player for MacStep 1 First of all, find the kind of file you want VLC to be the default player for and right click on it.

Select the option Get Info. In the section Open With, find and select VLC from the menu / drop down list.


To ensure that this change gets applied to all similar files, hit the button Change All.Step 2 For associating files on optical drives /media with VLC, for example CDs and s, follow Apple System Preferences.Step 3 Select the option of CDs & DVDs from the section Hardware. Select Other Application from the popup menu option at the bottom that says 'Open DVD Player'.Step 4 Choose VLC from the list and make it the default player for your optical media files.