Computer Makes High Pitched Noise When Turned On
Computer monitor emitting high pitched noise when turned on? Whenever i start up my computer, my monitor makes a very high pitched noise for the first 5-10 minutes it's on. I can temporarily stop it by grabbing both sides of the monitor and tilting it up or down, but as soon as i let go, it starts again. My computer is a Dell Dimension B110 and is probably around 4 or 5 years (I can't remember which for sure, but I know it's at least 4). It hasn't given me any problems in the past at all except for slowing slightly (which is expected, because of how much disk space I'm using), but a few days ago I turned it on and it started beeping with a fairly high pitch constantly, each beep less than a.
I have had a similar issue, mine was due to a fan as the airflow was making a funny noise as it rushed through the back of the case.When these noises occur, what are you doing on your PC, are you going intensive tasks which could speed up airflow causing the air to make this 'high pitched' sound.Nope they occur when I am on the desktop with nothing open, also I just changed all of the fans on my case, not because I thought they were the issue but it was making the noise before and still is after. Maybe its Coil Whine from PSU?You can test it by running programs where the start ups will have 150+ FPS or games that are low graphics and when played your FPS shoots up to 150+ or more.I have the same thing with my PSU, my old GTX 560 Ti doesn't summon the Squeaking sound. But when I went to a GTX 760 and GTX 770 that requires more power, everytime Im on a loading stage of a Game or when Im doing 3DMark11 benchmarks and my FPS shoots to more than 100FPS The coil whine will occur and it comes from my PSU. They say the coil whine doesn't hurt the system but it can be very annoying.1 way of silencing the Squeaking sound is by having a good case that kind of camouflages the annoying sound or go to your game or program settings and limit how much (max) fps you can get. By doing that, even if your GPU can get up to 200+ FPS on a game, if you limit it to say 50-60, it will stay at 50-60 FPS and the Coil Whine will be gone. A star is born streaming.

Computer Makes High Pitched Noise When Turned On Iphone

I did the FPS limiting and it works.But ye, the more FPS you get in a game the more possibilities you get a Coil Whine. It mainly happens on some chosen PSU's not all of them does it.Reference:If your getting the same Squeaking Sound from the video, your definitely getting a Coil whine from your PSU coils. If not and your getting the sounds even on idle with your computer on windows not doing anything, then I guess its your HDD, with the disk inside unbalance and skewed or wobbling as it spins.Or the Head and Arm inside the HDD as it is moved by the Voice Coil Actuator with the platter (disc) running at 5400 rpm or 7k rpm might be touching the disk it self causing the sound.It is definitely not coil whine its just a slightly different kind of tone, I'm going to try and boot up my computer later without my HDD and see whether the noise still occurs.