Din En 1143 1
Din En 1143-1
- DIN EN 1143-1:2012; We have no amendments or corrections for this standard. Are the documents at the ANSI Webstore in electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF format only?
- EN 1143-1 Secure storage units - Reguirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms - This European Standard establishes the basis for testing and classifying free-standing safes, built-in safes (floor and wall), ATM safes and ATM bases, strongroom doors and strongrooms (with or without a door.
EN 1143-1EN 1143-1 Secure storage units - Reguirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms - This European Standard establishes the basis for testing and classifying free-standing safes, built-in safes (floor and wall), ATM safes and ATM bases, strongroom doors and strongrooms (with or without a door) according to their burglary resistance. This European Standard does not cover testing and classifying Deposit Systems and ATM systems.The price of the Standard included all amendments and correcturs.
Testing burglar resistance: The EN 1143-1 test in detail Posted on January 30, 2013 by admin in General, Safe Breaking and Cracking, Safe Testing and Certification The very best security safes are independently tested by organizations such as ESSA/ECB-S to determine the amount of burglar resistance they provide.