Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests
PLEASE READ: I am looking for voice actress for a Novac Reborn NPC quest line. Need a female talent, able to sound between the ages of 17 and 30. Need roughly 30-40 lines of dialogue recorded.
Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests Walkthrough
Must have own microphone available. Please also note that a request may be made for future voice work should this NPC be expanded into additional quest lines.PLEASE NOTE:- I highly recommend that you install the texture mods I list in the sections below. Vanilla textures will not look as the pictures represent and will also show more landscape/structure imperfections (many which are present in the vanilla game).ABOUT:- I have given Novac a facelift, adding more life to the developing trading town. This includes custom NPCs as well as a new questline. In developing Novac Reborn, I took a more defensive approach as the settlement lies further from the NCR outpost and closer to Legion territory.- NOTE that the voice acting for the new questline is not yet available. Due to delays, I am releasing this mod without it so you all can enjoy the addition. Once the acting becomes available, I will offer an updated version with it included.
Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests 1

Jun 12, 2014 - Fallout: New Vegas at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. To undertake this side quest, you'll have to go to Novac.
Sadly, there is no ETA as of yet.- ANY mods that alters the interiors of the motel will work with this mod as I made NO changes within these structures.- This is an immersion mod, not intending to detract from the core lore of the game. I just found many of the stops early in the game were extremely bland and needed some visual attention.- In designing this mod, I work around the most popular/imaginative mods so they easily snap together. Future changes/mods will reflect this.- This mod is final unless any fixes become required.- Novac Reborn is 100% safe for heavily modified games and will not/should not conflict. Also is fine for existing saved games.
Enjoy!- PLEASE endorse if you find this mod stable and a favorable change over vanilla Novac.OTHER REBORN MODS:-A nice overlay that is made to work WITH popular mods that have some changes in GS. No need for load order bloating patches.-An immersive trip into Primm, with enhanced challenge and more to experience.THE BASICS:- At first arrival, players will find Novac's defenses slightly more complete. Inside, you will find cleaner grounds and more active NPCs.
Families have been added to the settlement, as well as local farmers and cropland; adding to the feel of a thriving community built on the ashes of a broken world.- New Interiors, several private residences have been added with inhabitants.- A new questline! Help a local mechanic recover a lost heirloom, earning access to her available goods and services.- Few extra NPCs for additional variety/immersion.- Some minor foliage and trees added to the grounds of Novac.UPDATE: Version 1.3 is out. (Still need voice actress however)- Novac Reborn requires all DLC. Because I used a few things from these DLCs for the revamp and most legal users should have the DLC anyhow.
I will not be making a DLC-free version.COMPATIBILITY: (also recommended)- I designed this mod to be fully compatible with the following mods.