
Java Web Start Download Windows 10

Java Web Start Download Windows 10 Rating: 5,5/10 8973 reviews

I have Windows 10 pro. I have jnlp file, that works on many different laptops, but not mine. So usually jnlp file opens a window with application. Not on mine machine. When i double click on jnlp or run it using jawaws file.jnlp what happens is Java(TM) web launcher and Java (TM ) Web Start Launcher is active in processes in task manager.So, each time i run jnlp program, it runs web launcher and web start launcher but doesn't run program.What is curious, sometimes but seldomly, it opens java window and generate error message then, during jawaws run.What i tried is to reinstall jre. I was using x86 and x64 versions.


  1. Java Web Start Download Vista

If the application is not present on your computer, Java Web Start automatically downloads all necessary files. Java Web Start will then cache the files on your computer, so the application is always ready to be relaunched any time you want - either from an icon on your desktop or from the browser link. Three older versions of Java Web Start are currently available for download: Java Web Start 1.4.2 is shipped as part of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.4.2 release. Java Web Start 1.2 is shipped as part of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.4.1 (J2SE 1.4.1).

1.8.161I tried editing jnlp file according to solution. I changed max heap size to 780 mb, initial heap from 256 to 512 and 1024 and max heap to 1024. It can't help.I deleted cache of java applications, still not helped.I changed JAVAHOME to my 32 bits jre ( before it was pointing to j2se sdk ).Still without proper solution.I also deleted temporary internet files for all options.Other jnlp run properly. In jnlp file there is sdk 1.7+ defined.

I have Windows 10 pro. I have jnlp file, that works on many different laptops, but not mine. So usually jnlp file opens a window with application. Not on mine machine. When i double click on jnlp or run it using jawaws file.jnlp what happens is Java(TM) web launcher and Java (TM ) Web Start Launcher is active in processes in task manager.So, each time i run jnlp program, it runs web launcher and web start launcher but doesn't run program.What is curious, sometimes but seldomly, it opens java window and generate error message then, during jawaws run.What i tried is to reinstall jre. I was using x86 and x64 versions. 1.8.161I tried editing jnlp file according to solution.

BitJava web start download 1.6

Java Web Start Download Vista


I changed max heap size to 780 mb, initial heap from 256 to 512 and 1024 and max heap to 1024. It can't help.I deleted cache of java applications, still not helped.I changed JAVAHOME to my 32 bits jre ( before it was pointing to j2se sdk ).Still without proper solution.I also deleted temporary internet files for all options.Other jnlp run properly. In jnlp file there is sdk 1.7+ defined.