Star Wars Atton Rand
The series consists of, and a called, with the first game being released in 2003 and set 4,000 years before the films. The series also encompasses a 2006 series.The main and player character of the first game is, and the main and player character of the second game is the Jedi Exile. In both games, the main character can either be a human male or a human female, with other characters joining the player's party and becoming controllable. The player can control three characters at one time in both games. HK-47, Canderous Ordo and T3-M4 appear in both of the video games as playable character, while the first game's playable characters also includes Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Bastila Shan, Juhani and Jolee Bindo.
The second game's playable characters also include Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, Mical, Mira, Hanharr, Brianna, Kreia, Visas Marr and G0-T0.The characters have overall been well-received, with the first Knights of the Old Republic winning the Academy of Interactive Art's 'Outstanding Achievement in Character and Story Development', and both Kreia and HK-47 receiving other awards. Contents.Concept and creation Chris Avellone, the lead designer of The Sith Lords, has said that 'a core part of what made KOTOR I so great was the story and your companions, and that was our intention in the sequel as well', and has also said that he thought that the characters and voice-acting were some of the key strengths of The Sith Lords, and said that they got a lot of help and support from in the voice-acting and sound department. Avellone stated that in some cases, the characters turned out 'better than we thought they would be'. According to Avellone, while 'there was some stuff we wanted to add', overall they 'got almost everything we wanted in there'. Avellone has said he has been surprised by the positive feedback of some of the characters. Player characters Revan. Main article:Revan is a Sith Lord whose memory has been wiped and rewritten by the Jedi as a Republic soldier.
Atton 'Jaq (or Jaq-ass)' Rand was a gambler from Nar Shadada. He was one of the bitches companions of the Jedi Exile, joining her on her quest for poontang. Biography Edit Early Life Edit. Atton was born in the upper-city of Taris. When his parents realized how much of an ass he was, they gave him to a gay Wookie named Steven. Steven took him on his ship and touched his 'no-no's' a few times before dumping him on Nar Shadada. Aug 8, 2016 - Atton Rand - The Lost Jedi. 'Rand lived a transient life in the time of the Great Sith War, gravitating. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series consists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords and a massively multiplayer online role-playing game called The Old Republic, with the first game being released in 2003 and set 4,000 years before the Star Wars films. The series also encompasses a 2006 comic book series.
Canonically, Revan is a male and follows the light-side path, but the player may choose to make Revan female and/or follow the dark-side path.Meetra Surik (the Jedi Exile) The Jedi Exile, also known simply as the Exile, is the main protagonist and player character of the. The player may choose the gender and decide what path to take. Long after the game was published, the character was named officially as Meetra Surik: canonically, Surik is female and follows the light-side path.Other playable characters Recurring characters Canderous Ordo Canderous Ordo, voiced by, is a who appears in both the first game and in The Sith Lords.
Ordo is a veteran Mandalorian warrior who joins the player's party in Knights of the Old Republic. After the game's conclusion, he becomes 'Mandalore the Preserver', leader of the Mandalorians.
Mandalore pledges himself and his warriors to the service of the in The Sith Lords.put Ordo among their top fifty Expanded Universe characters. T3-M4 T3-M4 is an astromech droid who appears in both games. It was constructed by a Twi'lek named of for local crime lord, Davik Kang. The droid features code-breaking and computer 'slicing' skills in addition to being able to mount armor and weapon upgrades. If the player attempts to talk to T3 it will simply communicate in a series of bleeps, similar to.HK-47. Main article:HK-47, voiced by, is an assassin droid owned by Revan, who appears in both of the games.
Meetra Surik
In 2003 HK-47 won 's 'NPC of the Year' award, and later won the category of 'Original Game Character of the Year' in the 2004. Knights of the Old Republic characters Carth Onasi Carth Onasi, voiced by, is a soldier and expert pilot, and also the first character to become a party member in the first game.
He is a romancing option for female Revan.During the Mandalorian wars, Carth served under Admiral Saul Karath, who would become his mentor and, later, object of revenge.He met Revan while the two were fleeing the, following a Sith attack on the ship. Since then, he became a party member.Carth Onasi was considered to have been replaced by Atton Rand in the second game by IGN's Hilary Goldstein. A holorecording of Carth can be heard on the Harbinger by the protaganist of the second game, as well as a holorecording discussing the fate of Revan (if specific conditions are met) later in the game.Shiela Lewis put Carth as the 6th top male video game hotties.
Mission Vao Mission Vao, voiced by, appears in Knights of the Old Republic. She is a and friends with.
Mission joins the player's party after encountering her in the Under City on Taris. In an interview with, Taber describes her character as 'in the 'scoundrel' class so I really wanted to put some Han Solo in there. Her sarcasm, her defensiveness and her bravado, all have a bit of Han as their inspiration. And oh yeah, she also travels with a wookie, but I didn’t have to add that part, the writers did it for me!' Zaalbar Zaalbar is a character from Knights of the Old Republic. He is friends with and joins the player's party. Zaalbar is the brother to Chuundar, the leader of a tribe on Kashyyyk.
When the player's party first arrives on Kashyyyk, Zaalbar is referred to as 'mad claw'. Through Zaalbar's and Chuundar's father, Freyyr, Revan learns why Zaalbar betrayed the tribe. Zaalbar learned that Chuundar was selling Wookiee slaves to Czerka Corporation, and attacked him. Freyyr sided with Chuundar and thus Zaalbar was exiled. When Revan and Freyyr confront Chuundar, Zaalbar sides with Freyyr and Revan and in turn kills Chuundar, freeing the Wookiees and driving Czerka off the planet. He has a life-debt to Revan. The life debt was bound when Revan assisted Mission Vao in saving Zaalbar from a group of Gammorean slavers in the Under City on Taris.Bastila Shan Bastila Shan, voiced by, is a who appears in the first game.
The first part of the game is spent rescuing her after the Endar Spire is destroyed. She is the Jedi who defeated Revan prior to the game's beginning and joins the player character's quest. Darth Malak captures her and seduces her to the Dark Side. If the protagonist aligns with the light side of the Force, he defeats Bastila in a lightsaber duel and she redeems herself by helping the Republic fleet. If the protagonist is a dark-side character, the player has the option of killing Bastila or allowing her to live. If the latter, Bastila becomes his apprentice. Bastila also has a romance option if the player is a light-sided male.
Canonically, she is redeemed from the dark side by Revan, and the two fall in love, marry and have a son. She also appears in the sequel. Two of her descendents, Satele Shan and her son Theron Shan appear in the MMO follow-up '.Bastila was chosen by IGN as their 62nd favourite Star Wars character. Juhani Juhani, voiced by, was once a who believed she killed her master.
Kotor 2 Companions
She turned to the and put a taint on the Grove on where she meditated. She believed that after what she did the would not accept her back and that the dark side held greater power. Main article:Kreia, voiced by, is the teacher and mentor to the Jedi Exile in The Sith Lords. Near the end of the game, she is revealed to have been Darth Traya, the Lord of Betrayal, all along. Her character received mixed reception since the game's publication, but is generally thought to be one of the most well developed backgrounds and characterizations. IGN chose her as the 81st top Star Wars character and Kreia, along with the other Sith Lords, was put as the 2nd top Star Wars villain that was left out of the original list by Jesse Scheedeen based on reader's comments. IGN's Hilary Goldstein said that 'Kreia offers some truly fantastic dialogue in KOTOR 2'.
GameSpy praised Kreia as 'Best Character' in their 'Game of the Year' awards for 2005, saying that 'Kreia was easily the most intriguing, complicated, enigmatic, well-designed and nuanced character in a video game in 2005' and that she made 'a trip full of heavy-duty thought a whole lot of fun'. Darth Traya is ranked 7th among 's 'Top Ten Female Villains in Video Games' by Liz Lanier (issue #247, November 2013), saying that 'Kreia is one of the few female Sith Lords of the Star Wars universe, but she represents women of the dark side relatively ruthlessly.
She's also one of the few villains who still wants to kill the player's character even after an olive branch is extended. Though she appreciates the offer.' Darth Sion Darth Sion, voiced by, is an antagonist in The Sith Lords. Darth Traya trained both Sion and Nihilus, who in turn betray her.
He holds his ravaged body together with the dark-side of the Force. The player's character eventually defeats Sion, and upon doing so, can return him to the light before he dies. Sion, along with the other Sith Lords, was put as the 3rd top Star Wars villain left out of the original list based on reader's comments by IGN, and was chosen by IGN as their 73rd favourite Star Wars character., lead designer of The Sith Lords, was inspired to create Sion by Tessai's death scene in. In contrast to other characters, Sion's design took much longer to hone down. Brian Menze, creator of the concept art and in-game model, had difficulty finding a design that Avellone was satisfied with, and the two had many conversations on how he should appear.
It was planned that Sion would have small parts of him orbiting around him. Engine troubles, however, made that difficult, ultimately resulting in a character looking far more 'human'. Voice directors Will Beckman and Darragh O'Farrell originally sought to hire someone with an English accent, rather than the Scottish one found in the game.
Problems arose due to most English actors lacking deep voices, though afterwards they wished to avoid making Sion 'too Scottish', wishing to avoid creating a caricature to American ears. They called Sion's voice one of their favorites in The Sith Lords.
Darth Nihilus Darth Nihilus appears in Knights of the Old Republic II as one of three Sith Lords featured in the game, and is the self-described Lord of Hunger. Prior to the game's events, Darth Traya found and trained Nihilus on Malachor V.
With Sion, Nihilus betrayed Traya and drove her into exile. Nihilus then used the might of the Sith Armada not to conquer planets, but to contain them so that he could 'feed' off the Force energy of each planet's lifeforms, wiping planets of life. Nihilus is defeated in the game after being drawn out and tricked into launching an attack on Telos, believing it to contain the last Jedi. The Exile confronts Nihilus on his ship, and Nihilus is slain either after his former slave Visas sacrifices herself due to their shared link in the Force, or after his attempt to feast on the Exile's connection to the Force backfires and weakens him.Nihilus was written so players would identify him less as a 'human' and more a 'force of nature'; Avellone described him as without personality beyond 'just a feeling of hunger' due to having succumbed so far to the dark side. Avellone felt beating such a force seemed 'more heroic' or 'far more epic' than taking on an individual person.
The character's visual look was quick to define; Eurogamer describes him as 'a concept created and greenlit in all of 15 minutes'. Character modeller and lead concept artist Brian Menze was asked to create a Sith Lord 'based on' No-Face from 's (2001). One idea behind Nihilus's design was that there should be nothing behind the mask – representative of him being a void. A 'pet peeve' of Avellone's is Nihilus art with him having a visible nose; Menze had drawn a nosed Nihilus for a magazine cover and Avellone had 'let it go', to Menze's now regret.Nihilus went on to appear in the 'Unseen, Unheard' story in the final issue of, which recounts his destruction of Visas's planet and his enslavement of her. Nihilus is mentioned in a few other stories in the original, and makes another, short appearance in. He was later introduced to the mobile game as a playable character in a 2017 update.Revan aside, Eurogamer's Robert Purchese described The Sith Lords ' villains as 'far more memorable' than those of the first game, and described Nihilus as the most recognisable of them. Nihilus, along with the other Sith Lords, was put as the 2nd top Star Wars villain who didn't appear in an earlier list based on reader's comments by IGN's Jesse Schedeen, Schedeen commenting 'at the very least, Nihilus probably wins the award for coolest-looking Star Wars villain ever'.
Also put the character as their 56th top Star Wars character. Listed him as one of twenty 'awesome' Star Wars characters originating in games, and considered him 'terrifying' and 'more of a malevolent ghost than a typical self-serving Sith'. When developing the character Menze earned lasting prestige, stating: 'That character has gone on to be bigger than the game we created, and I'm very thankful for that'. Other characters. Atris was a Jedi historian who held great contempt towards the Jedi Exile supposedly because she followed Revan to war, when in actuality she was jealous of the Exile, for she was all she could not be. She appeared in the second game. If the Exile is male it is implied she has feelings for him.
Darth Bandon was a sith apprentice of Malak who attacks the player, and is defeated. He appears in the first game. Calo Nord was a bounty hunter in the first game. Nord was originally a slave, until he murdered his captors and escaped when he was 16. Zax the Hutt was a found on Taris in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Players go to him to obtain bounties. Ajuur the Hutt was a Hutt who worked in the Upper City cantina who ran the dueling ring in KOTOR I. He can arrange the player's character to fight the Mandalorian death-match champion Bendak Starkiller, which can be redeemed for a bounty to Zax. Davik Kang was the Exchange leader of Taris, and used elite mercenaries such as. He was killed in the orbital bombardment of Taris. He appeared in the first game.
Saul Karath was Carth Onasi's old teacher who betrayed him to join the. He appeared in the first game. He was voiced by. Queen Talia is a descendant of the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd and the ruler of Onderon who is at odds with her cousin Vaklu when the Exile comes to the planet. She appeared in the second game. Azkul is a battle-scarred mercenary who served under Malak and later settled on Dantooine, attempting to destroy the local community of Khoonda but was thwarted by the Jedi Exile.
He appeared in the second game. General Vaklu is the power-crazed cousin of Queen Talia who seeks to overthrow his young cousin and take the royal throne. Chuundar is a character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Zaalbar was exiled for attacking Chuundar, his brother, with his claws after discovering his brother was selling fellow Wookiees into slavery. Chuundar then later took over his tribe and exiled his own father, the former Wookiee chieftain, Freyrr. Once the player comes with Zaalbar to Kashyyyk in search of a Star Map, Chuundar imprisons Zaalbar and tells Revan that he must kill their father, Freyrr, in the lower levels of the planet to free the Wookiee. If Revan chooses to kill Freyrr, the player leaves with the gratitude of Chuundar.
Chuundar keeps enslaving the Wookiees and the player can no longer return to the Wookiee village. If Revan spares Freyyr, he kills Chuundar and the slavers, frees the Wookiees, frees Zaalbar, and leaves with the gratitude of Freyrr, able to return to Kashyyyk at any time.
Bendak Starkiller is a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader who was famous for his proficiency in the Taris dueling ring. Refusing to leave an opponent alive, Bendak retired from the ring after the Sith outlawed death matches. During the Jedi Civil War, he remained on Taris, watching matches in the cantina and hoping for the day he could return to the arena for another death match with a worthy opponent.Reception 's Aaron Boulding said that in the first game there was 'tons of character development' and the 'original characters and story are interesting enough, but being in a Star Wars setting just makes them like family'. Said that 'many of the game's characters are well defined'.The first Knights of the Old Republic game was given the 'Outstanding Achievement in Character and Story Development' award by the Academy of Interactive Arts in their annual Interactive Achievement Awards. HK-47 won two awards, one being the 2003 'NPC of the Year' award, and also the 'Original Game Character of the Year' category in the 2004. Kreia also won the 'Best Character' award in GameSpy's Game of the Year awards. References.
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Atton Rand Fanart
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ByFandoms:,.10 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryAfter the Star Forge, the galaxy has changed. As most of civilized space mourns the fallen heroes of the Star Forge expedition, its real survivors must face the consequences of their actions - even the ones Revan can't remember.XXX Preview! Transcript of unreleased footage from the 'The Machines Wars: The Untold Story.'
You said before, things changed after the battle at Malastare. Care to say how?
That's when she came. Isn't that why you asked me to come on this show? Revan Starfire. Right before Malastare is when she came.
I was in the Honor Guard that day. I saw the whole thing. She landed with a bunch of Wookiees- Wookiees? Really, Wookiees? A bunch of Wookiees. What's the word for a bunch of Wookiees?
Only if you want your arms torn off. But then what happened? She went off with General Darkstar and Master Atris-did I mention she was glowing? Oh, come on now-really?
It's all true. All of the stories about Revan Starfire-they're all true. She knew where the Machine Ships would be. And she made them all follow her- Language: English Words: 1,118,430 Chapters: 74/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 3695. ByFandoms:.06 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryMeetra Surik is the Jedi Order's greatest example of punishment: branded an Exile, her only reward for returning from the Mandalorian Wars untainted by the Dark Side, and cut off from the Force itself.
Haunted by her actions and forsaken by those she considered family, she embraced her new title and departed to the Outer Rim planets, intending to disappear entirely, and, for a time, she succeeded.But now, nearly a decade later, Meetra finds herself dragged out of her isolation and thrust into the fallout of a conflict she thought long behind her. A new war is coming, and though she is no longer a Jedi, Meetra has a choice to make: save the Republic and the ideals of those who cast her out, or take her vengeance and aid in its destruction.A retelling of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, with some canon divergence to reflect the choice-based narrative. Some dialogue has been taken directly from the game, but effort is/will be made to keep this to a minimum. All characters, with a couple exceptions, belong to EA/Bioware/Obsidian/LucasArts (just covering bases here in case legality is kind of murky); this is merely the relation of events and characters through my personal filter. Language: English Words: 60,667 Chapters: 18/64 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 860. ByFandoms:,.12 Apr 2019 Tags.SummaryWhen Revan opened up to the Force as a whole to face the Sith Emperor, rather than unleash it, he channeled it.
He foresaw many different futures, Scourge betraying them among them. Desperate, he uses the Force to try to spirit him and the Jedi Exile away. But, he did not know the Exile was a Wound in the Force. Her power disrupted him, and they are instead pulled through to a time far far away.
Language: English Words: 102,300 Chapters: 19/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 6036. ByFandoms:,.21 Mar 2019 Tags.SummaryA few feet away, on one of the guest chamber balconies, she could see a tall young man, with midnight-black hair and the massive, beautiful wings of the seraphim. She had never seen one with black wings before, and she realized she was staring.She jumped when his gaze turned to her, his eyes narrowed and curious.
He moved closer along the edge if the balcony, and Rey shyed back a few steps.“Don't be afraid,” he said in voice like lush velvet.Princess Reyna, last scion of the noble sidhe who once ruled Coruscant, meets a mysterious, dark-winged seraphim on a secret late-night excursion upon the castle roof. Emotionally-traumatized after an attack in her youth, the princess has been labeled unfit to rule, abused and kept a virtual prisoner all her life. Rey still manages to thrive in surprising ways, hoarding knowledge and dreaming of escape.Her carefully-nurtured hope for a brighter future seems to come true when she meets the man her father has chosen for her to marry, and events unfold almost more quickly than Rey can keep up with. Because nothing at all is as it seems, and she soon finds her betrothed prince and his kingdom to be much, much more than she was led to expect.
Language: English Words: 120,689 Chapters: 35/45 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 8228. ByFandoms:,.20 Dec 2018 Tags.SummaryHello, this is a series of short vignettes and basically an account of a possible full-fledged romance between the Jedi Exile and Atton Rand. I wrote it while I was playing through the cut content version of the game and imagined it going on behind the scenes. This does not mean it is fully canon.
It only really works with a light side female PC and Atton. The full-fledged thing is complete, but I'm posting it a little at a time so I can edit some of it mildly. It starts out summarizing a bit, but the scenes get more detailed and longer as the romance develops. It expands more once they get to Nar Shadaa, right after Telos. There will be mind conversations, conversations with multiple party members, and more.
There's heavy dialogue. Hope you enjoy.
Language: English Words: 25,627 Chapters: 39/39 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 373. By,Fandoms:,.26 Nov 2018 Tags.SummaryThere are no shadows without light to cast them.
There is no inherent good, nor is there inherent evil. There is only the Force. Set in a time before the fall of The Republic, three young Jedi Knights must choose their paths and must understand that the fate of a single Jedi can change the face of the universe.As a talented but troubled young Jedi Knight, Halin Chan struggles to find a place where she fits in among the Jedi Order. But when the Republic is on the brink of war, the young woman must make a choice that will not only change her own fate, but also those of the Jedi and of the Republic. Aided by her Jedi companions, Alex, and Opela, Halin determines that she will not remain unreached by the galaxy's cries for help.Pre-KotOR AU Fem!Revan.

Rated M for Violence, Depictions of Torture, graphic depictions of war, Genocide, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Mutilation, Psychological Torture, Depictions of Slavery, and Mild Sexual Content Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 87,872 Chapters: 17/32 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 565. Byfor,Fandoms:,.13 Oct 2018 Tags.SummaryAfter recently retiring from co-directing the Special Activity Division (SAD) - A division that conducts direct action missions such as raids, ambushes, sabotage, targeted killings and unconventional warfare, Kylo and Hux have only one thing in mind- finding' the one.' Unfortunately for Rey and Treslyn, it appears that they are exactly what these two alphas are looking for, and they will stop at nothing to have them as their mates.Nothing. Language: English Words: 10,452 Chapters: 7/?
Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 2314. ByFandoms:,.05 Sep 2018 Tags.Summary'Did you ever love someone?'
He hummed, casually.' I followed someone to the end of the galaxy and never said a word about it.' He made to look to her, but thought better of it and kept his eyes on the planet below them.'
Did you know them at all?' A breath of silence passed, followed by a resounding,'No.'
Language: English Words: 3,308 Chapters: 2/?